Work Law = Employment Law

At Worklaw Ltd, we specialise in Employment Law. With our professional engagement and expertise, we have achieved a distinguished track record of success in negotiating mutually acceptable agreements between employers and employees.

Speak to an expert

Work Law Ltd is a team of skilled employment advocates who are ready to assist you with all your employment-related concerns. From exit negotiations to personal grievances such as unfair dismissals, redundancy, sexual harassment, bullying and harassment, and discrimination at work, our team of experts is here to provide you with advice and support.

When you reach out to Work Law, you’ll speak with a passionate, knowledgeable employment law professional who understands the challenges of an unhealthy employment relationship.

We excel at resolving workplace disputes, allowing you to move forward in your career free from conflict and stress. Take advantage of our free phone consultation service to determine if you have a case worth pursuing.


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Free Initial Consultation

 At Worklaw Ltd., we understand the importance of seeking expert guidance when faced with legal situations at work.   That’s why we offer a free initial consultation by phone or email, ensuring you have access to professional advice without hesitation.

Our team can provide quick and practical guidance on the first steps you can take to handle employment law issues effectively.

With a proven track record of helping numerous NZ employees resolve their employment law problems, your solution could be just around the corner.

Expert Representation

The Work Law team can navigate New Zealand’s employment laws on your behalf. By delivering comprehensive employment law advice, assistance, and representation, we can solve your employment law issues. We may resolve your problem quickly through communication with your employer, their Employment Lawyer, or Employment Advocate. Or we may represent you at mediation. If your case has to go to the Employment Relations Authority or the Employment Court, we can support you all the way.

Exit Packages

When an employment relationship is tested to its limits, it can be in the best interests of both you and your employer to come to an amicable agreement to settle matters and part ways. Having an expert negotiate on your behalf removes the ‘personal’ from the professional, and paves the way for a strategic exit when the employment relationship has no future. See more on exit packages.

Personal Grievances

A personal grievance is any concern, problem or complaint that you may wish to raise with your employer. It could relate to anything, for example working conditions, pay, failure of process, unfair dismissal or any aspect of how your employer is treating you or allowing colleagues to treat you.
The timing of lodging a grievance is crucial. You must bring the issue to the attention of your employer within 90 days prior to raising the personal grievance. If you doubt the validity of your grievance, the timing of raising it, or what remedies you should ask for, you can contact us for free advice.

Unfair Dismissal

The unjustified dismissal provisions of the Employment Relations Act 2000 protect New Zealand employees. Section 103 of the Act states that employees can bring a personal grievance against their employer if they believe they have been unjustifiably dismissed.

If you have been dismissed without a fair process, you can contact us, and we will help identify whether your employment rights have been breached.

Disciplinary Meetings

A disciplinary meeting is a process your employer can follow to resolve an issue before it becomes a problem.  Although stressful, unless the process is incorrect or the reason is unfair, you need to engage in the process.  You can take a support person to your disciplinary meeting, that person could be a legal representative or a friend or family member who can speak for you if necessary.  It’s an excellent idea to record the meeting in case you are dismissed, and you feel the process was incorrect, or the reason for the meeting and/or subsequent dismissal was unreasonable.  It’s free to call our helpline for advice if you need it.


A warning, either verbal or written is part of the disciplinary process.  If you have had warnings previously your employer could escalate the process towards a final warning or dismissal. You should take any warning seriously, and make sure you clearly understand the reason for and the implication of the warning.  If you need help understanding the process, or if it seems to you that the warning is unreasonable, it’s free to call us for a free consultation.


Employment Mediation Services within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) provides a free mediation service to any employee or employer with an employment relationship problem.  The mediator helps to resolve the employment relationship problem in a semi-formal and confidential environment.

Many people represent themselves, however, representation by an experienced employment advocate or an employment lawyer can help you achieve the best outcome in your case.  


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